Black Tourmaline Crystal Meaning

Black Tourmaline Crystal Meaning

Keywords: Lucky  Purifying  Supportive  Protective

Staying grounded is a balancing act during these wild times…it takes mindfulness, awareness and boundary setting, of course. Black Tourmaline has always been my go-to grounding stone that helps to remind me to maintain good boundaries and focus on what is truly important. Black Tourmaline has historically been loved for being a stone of self confidence and personal power as well as it has been considered to be a ‘lucky’ stone as well. Although these crystals cannot do the work for us, they can serve as companions, reminders, and talismans along our journey.

Black Tourmaline Trivia

Chakra Association: Root

Zodiac Similarity: Capricorn

Affirmation: “I banish all negative attachments, within and without. I am purified, grounded and centered on the Earth”.

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