Clear Quartz Crystal Meaning

Clear Quartz Crystal Meaning

Keywords:  Manifestation  Clarity  New Beginnings  Harmony
Clear Quartz Crystals are beloved for being the natural amplifiers of the natural world. Meditate with them, tell them your secrets, make your wishes upon them... they will be your loving companion and cheerleader as you take the necessary steps and leaps in life. They are great crystals to work with when you are working on a new beginning or are working on holding your vision strong in your mind's eye. Allow their clarity to inspire clarity in your own mind and in your heart. Allow their harmonious energy to bring forth the harmony that lay inside of you already.
Clear Quartz Trivia

Chakra: Crown
Zodiac: Aries and Leo
Archangel: Raziel
Affirmations: “I easily find harmony and clarity wherever I go".
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