Tigers Eye Crystal Meaning

Tigers Eye Crystal Meaning
Keywords: Confidence  Grounding  Strength  Protection

“You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward.” 


Okay Rocky fans who also like pretty rocks, this one’s for you! Tiger’s Eye is Rocky Balboa, Rocky Balboa is Tiger’s Eye. Balboa’s monologue from the sixth Rocky film is a powerful mantra for anyone who has experienced life’s highs and lows and Tiger’s Eye is a beautiful stone that can remind you of the meaning behind this mantra- you are strong because you keep going. When you wear or hold it, allow it to encourage your inner confidence to shine through, especially in times when you are facing life’s punches. Tiger’s Eye can also be helpful for those who are working on building and maintaining boundaries with themselves or others by reminding them to plant their feet firmly in their truth and trust the foundation they have built to hold them. Because-


“That’s how winning is done!”

Chakra Correlation: Root & Solar Plexus
Zodiac Correlation: Leo
Affirmation: "I am filled with golden light and can reach out in the confidence that I will succeed."
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