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Hawk Couture

Black Onyx 'Protected Awakening' Star & Lil Snake Stainless Steel Hoop Earrings

Regular price $44.00 USD
Regular price $69.00 USD Sale price $44.00 USD
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Protection - Intentions - Confidence - Alignment

When utilized as a talisman, Black Onyx is thought to empower the wearer to access their inner courage, seeking protection against bullies, fears, and criticism, whether from oneself or others. It is believed to possess the capacity to absorb and neutralize aggressive or harmful energies, making Black Onyx an ideal companion for transforming negative experiences into valuable lessons. If you are in the process of releasing past traumas that hinder your progress, consider Black Onyx as a potent talisman to accompany you on your journey of healing and growth.


Zodiac Similarities: Leo
Chakra Associations: Root
Affirmation: “I now am guided by my spirit and not my traumas and fears”.


Snakes represent the Kundalini, our creative life force energy, that lays coiled at the base of our spines until awoken. Snakes also remind us of our ability to shed what is no longer serving us and embrace our transformation. They are a symbol of healing and wisdom and serve as a bridge between the elements of water and fire. In addition, I infuse each of my designs with Reiki energy and charge and clear them with sunlight, moonlight, and sage, which amplifies not only the stones but your intentions as well.


These gorgeous Black Onyx stones are approximately .4", suspended inside stainless steel hoops with little snake charms. In addition, I infuse each of my designs with Reiki energy and charge and clear them with sunlight, moonlight, and sage, which amplifies not only the stones but your intentions as well. There are no coincidences so if you stumbled across this page and fell in love, maybe it was meant for you.

Just like we need recharge moments to avoid burnout, when working with stones it is important to "clear" their energy every now and then. The simplest way to clear the stones on these necklaces is to let them sit in direct sunlight for a few hours or even a few days depending on how much toxicity you have perceived in your environment. Then consider taking a self care moment for you. When you put your jewels back on, I hope it feels like an elevated experience. 
*A portion of your order will be donated to the organization The Domestic Violence Center of Chester County*
Thank you for visiting Hawk Couture. So much love.