A New Study Shows the Benefits of Heat Therapy...Saunas, Hot Baths, Hot Yoga, etc

A New Study Shows the Benefits of Heat Therapy...Saunas, Hot Baths, Hot Yoga, etc

I saw a very cool post on Dr. Mark Hyman’s insta today pertaining to the benefits of heat therapy (saunas, hot baths, hot yoga, etc) and since we are in our Bath Magic cozy era over here, I wanted to tell you about all the very cool benefits that come with getting really, really HOT.

You can visit Dr. Hyman's page for the full scoop but here are the stats that I talk about in this video…for some reason the captions changed them to something about apples and bananas…

The study was a 20 year long study on 2000 Finnish people who used saunas (at an average of 174 degrees Fahrenheit. They found:

* Those who used a sauna 2-3x a week had a 24% lower risk of death than those who went once a week

* Those who used a sauna 4-7x a week had a 40% lower risk of death than those who went once a week

* Spending about 20 minutes instead of 10 minutes in the sauna reduces the risk of a cardiac death by 52%

Heat therapy has even more benefits including:

* Improved heart rate variability

* Improved cardiovascular health

* Helps to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar

* Helps improve insulin sensitivity

* Supports stress reduction

* Supports better sleep

* Increases endorphins


If you want to add to these benefits, try using one of our Bath Magic Salts that includes epsom salts (or you can just use epsom salts…but our Bath Magic Salts make it more fun!!). The epsom salts will help to soothe your nervous system with its potent content of magnesium. It helps to relax your muscles and even softens your skin. 

We just released a NEW Bath Salt ‘Evergreen Dreams’ and restocked a favorite ‘Ginger & Spice’. How fun is it when practical self care and healthy habits coincide with romanticizing our lives?!

Here for it!

Stay tuned for more from your friendly Kitchen Witch.

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