Be Gentle With Yourself

Be Gentle With Yourself

This goes out to the Type A perfectionist types out there (it’s me 👋). There’s a TON of ways we can take care ourselves and even more information to digest everywhere we look. Many times it’s hard to begin for fear that we won’t do it ‘right’ or we feel that we need to do everything when really we’re only ready to do some things.

I’m finalizing the Winter Wellness Guide and there is a LOT of information in there…however I’ve tried to keep it centralized so that if you’re new to herbalism and integrative nutrition that it won’t be too overwhelming. There are shopping lists and cheat sheets to help keep things simple.

That being said, my wish for you is to just start with what you have and do what you can…and build from there. No stress. No strain. Just open hearted exploration and curiosity on a very sacred and beautiful path back to yourself and back to the Earth.

From my heart to yours 🫶

Get notified when the Winter Wellness Guide Drops Here


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