For anyone who is new here...hello from your friendly Kitchen Witch 🔮🌿

For anyone who is new here...hello from your friendly Kitchen Witch 🔮🌿

For anyone who is new here...hello from your friendly Kitchen Witch!! My name is Greta Hotmer and I am the creator and founder of Hawk Couture.

After having lived with Chronic Lyme Disease for the duration of my 20's I found plant medicine and table to bring myself into remission with the help of plants, nutrition, and intentional self care.

I have my Masters in Integrative Nutrition and Therapeutic Herbalism and worked as an Herbalist at The Prana House in West Chester, Pa for several years.

My goal with these videos is to help introduce you to the power and beauty of plants, nutrition, and all things self care and to help make utilizing these tools easy and tangible in your life so that you can benefit from them and create a lasting relationship with nature in a very special and sacred way.

Besides plant medicine & nutrition, I am also a professional musician (composer, singer, songwriter), a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, a black belt in Krav Maga, a cat mom, a sister, a daughter, a fiancé, and just a human being who is in love with the creative spirit.

I hope these videos help you on your journey towards creating a life that is truly in alignment with your spirit and your purpose.

From my heart to yours and cheers to your health,


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