Full Blue Moon in Aquarius

Full Blue Moon in Aquarius

Gratitude Continues to be the Attitude 

Leann's Patreon: Kinder Garden
The following is an excerpt from Leann's Patreon Page, Kinder Garden, shared at 2:22pm on 8/22/21

When we allow our attachments in the material world to fade away, we open ourselves up to see the world through the mind of our hearts, the champions of our souls. The aligned Aquarius is the radical change maker who wishes for peace and prosperity for all. The heart centered messages are coming clear and direct under the energy of this brilliant Aquarius full moon for the second time this season. What lesson did you learn this month about your humanity? How has that translated into more meaningful interactions with your world?
The lessons we learn under the influence of a Full Moon in Aquarius, married with the Sun in Leo, are from their hearts to yours. If you feel like you’re stuck right now, paralyzed by decisions left, right and center, the energy of the day supports you by encouraging you to be silent more than you speak so you can truly hear to listen and transmute the lessons being whispered to you into tangible meaning as you navigate your one precious life.
And in all of our precious lives here in the northern hemisphere, we are officially in the final month of summer. The lazy, long days begin to fill up with signs that it is time to harvest, time to take long walks in the park, time to eat under the full rays of the sun’s light, time to sit under the lush trees with green leaves reaching for the sky, dancing in the wind, shading the earth. In these final moments of summer, what will you be harvesting and how will you prepare it, savor it, and store it for months to come?
To read the full post and gain access to the full library of her writing (over 50,000 words at a year in), head over to Leann's Patreon and subscribe to "Planting Seeds."

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