Green Onyx Crystal Meaning

Green Onyx Crystal Meaning
Keywords:  Empowerment - Independence - Confidence

While Black Onyx is one of the best stones to work with for grief, the green variety of Onyx may be considered even more of a powerhouse of heart healing for those who are grieving. Our hearts are the link between our upper and lower chakras and Green Onyx acts to help bridge the connection between our earthly and spirit world selves. Green Onyx can encourage soothing the soul and help to shed light in the darkness. If you or someone you know happen to be working through a trauma or heartbreak, utilizing Green Onyx as a talisman for this particular part of the journey may be comforting.

Green Onyx Trivia

Zodiac Association: Leo

Chakra Correlation: Heart

Affirmation: ‘It is safe for me to hold love in my heart’.

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