Pink Sapphire Crystal Meaning

Pink Sapphire Crystal Meaning

Keywords: Vulnerability • Self Kindness • Heart Healing

Sapphire, in general, is known as the Stone of Wisdom and each different color it manifests as holds its own unique energy. The Pink variety of Sapphire encourages wisdom of the heart by inspiring vulnerability within the wearer, thus strengthening the bond between the head and heart. By bringing forth the emotions of love and forgiveness, Pink Sapphire teaches us the masterful art of letting go of what cannot be changed, accepting what is, and embracing the power of choosing one’s perspective on their current reality. In this way, we can hope to gain a greater capacity for compassion for ourselves and others as we all continue on our individual journeys, in a collective world.

Pink Sapphire Trivia

Chakra Association: Heart, Crown
Zodiac Similarity: Virgo, Libra
Affirmation: “My vulnerability is my superpower that allows me to love and forgive."