🌼🌿 Decoding Dandelions 🌿🌼 The 'weed' that loves us unconditionally...

🌼🌿 Decoding Dandelions 🌿🌼 The 'weed' that loves us unconditionally...

I'm sure many people have this shared experience...my Dad battled the dandelions in our yard growing up while my sister and I intuitively celebrated these beautiful 'weeds' every chance we got.
The more you delve into herbalism, the more you realize that many plants our society deems as 'weeds' are actually potent medicines for us. I like to think that the reason they 'grow like weeds' is because Mama Earth wanted to make sure we had an abundant supply.
So here are some of my favorite facts about this plant ally and I hope you fall as deeply in love with it as I have.
In my opinion, drinking tea with Dandelion Root in it, such as Lymphatic Love, or taking it in tincture form, are going to be some of the more effective ways to benefit from it's healing powers. As with anything, consistent use will reap the most notable rewards.
Typically I suggest drinking the tea or tincture before a meal, although it's perfectly fine to consume it afterwards as well if you forget. Drinking it before hand though will help to stimulate your bile production which will help your digestion and liver functioning. Drinking it after will also stimulate your bile production, but it's just a bit more effective beforehand.
I hope you find this helpful!
From my heart to yours,
The Kitchen Witch
Dandelion Root is in my 'Lymphatic Love' Tea Blend and one of our best sellers.
Get it here.

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