Unlock the Love: Nourishing Your Heart with Vital Nutrients 💖

Unlock the Love: Nourishing Your Heart with Vital Nutrients 💖

Hello Friends!
I don't know about you, but even though I have a degree in Integrative Nutrition, I find it's easier for me to incorporate healthy foods when I have cheat sheets handy that help me remember which nutrients I am currently more focused on. 
This is why I created these little cheat sheets for you for some of the top nutrients for heart health. At first glance you might be like 'FIFTEEN nutrients?!'...and I get it...soooo many things to remember...BUT if you look at the foods underneath the nutrients, you will see that there is a bunch of overlap, making acquiring these nutrients much easier in day to day meals.
My strategy for meeting my nutrient needs through my food typically involves making a list like this and then picking out a few foods and either looking up recipes or creating my own. Think of it like a 'this or that' for ingredients.
With that in mind, I'll be sending a few recipes that are focused around these heart healthy nutrients over the next few days so stay tuned! Until then, I hope this list comes in handy and most of all, I hope your heart feels loved, safe, and vibrant.
From my heart to yours <3

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